Bracing yourself for Parents’ Weekend

Home Opinion Bracing yourself for Parents’ Weekend
Bracing yourself for Parents’ Weekend

Dear Kate,

My parents are coming this weekend to visit me. I’m ex- cited, but a little apprehensive. This is the first time they’ve been able to visit in the two years I’ve been here, and I’ve always wanted them to come. I never told my friends, be- cause what kind of a man admits that he misses his parents, but I did. I always walked by Saga on Saturday morning and longingly watched as parents and child entered the dining hall to sit at those blessed tables clad with the beautiful ta- ble cloths and flowers. Anyway, this weekend is finally my turn. But now I’m anxious and a little stressed. My room is a mess. There are Ramen noodle bowls everywhere and I don’t remember the last time I did laundry. I’ve gotten used to the smell, but I’m sure my parents will notice it. I haven’t shaved in days and I don’t know when I’ll have time to do so. Maybe my parents shouldn’t come. They’ll just worry more about me afterwards, right? What if they stop sending me grocery money? And what will my professors tell them? And how will I write two papers this weekend? I love my parents, but is it worth all of this stress to see them?

Help, Conscientious Son

Dear Conscientious, Yes. Yes it is. It’s Parent’s Weekend! The weekend when we all get to be children again. The glorious weekend when our grocery shelf is magically restocked, our laundry miracu- lously washed, and we eat like kings and queens. Parent’s Weekend: a small slice of heaven. It is worth every fiber of our being that is destroyed by stress because our work gets pushed back and we have to haphazardly clean our room an hour before they arrive. Parents are the most important people in your life, but never more so than during Parent’s Weekend in college. They bring fresh hope to your life! They make all things seem possible! Parent’s Weekend is mythical and legendary. It shines out as a bright star among the many weekends of the semester. Rather than frantically attempting to catch up on work, finally giving up and choos- ing instead to watch three movies in a row, we spend one weekend basking in the love of the two people who love us the most in the world. Drink it in. Drink in the golden, rainbow-filled days, because before you know it, your parents will be gone and you’ll have to write two papers in one night.